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Name     : Bahram Najafizadeh (Mr.)
Nationality    : Iranian
Address    : P.O.BOX 13445/818 Tehran,Iran
Phone: 98-21-6427690
E-mail     :
Academic Qualifications :
B.A in Management (Management University of Iran)
Position : Training Manager in Industry

Computer Environment:

 Ms DOS, Ms Windows
 Word processing  - Word perfect and winword



T.V.T.O is the prime govermental body responsible for technical training and applied scinces whose courses are in strect compliance with international standards set by I.L.O , and based on industerial and traditional level.
T.V.T.O so far ( 11 Feburary 1999 ) has completed and utilized 205 Training Center in the major cities of I.R.Iran , in addition to 421 Mobile training facilities ,53 Internship units in industerial and manufacturing plants, 122 Training facilities on military bases and 5300 training establishments in the private sector.
T.V.T.O has also been active on the international level by establishing several Technical Training facilities in the neighboring countries, and accepting international trainees at its instructor Training center.
To fullfit its aims and accomplish its objectives,T.V.T.O has consentrated on the following areas:

A-Research and Development.
B- Training.
C-Examinatioon and Evaluation.

A-Research and Development :

                            R&D is one of the main activities of  T.V.T.O , and due to the dynamic nature of technology and science , is being constantly up graded . T.V.T.O is involved  with publishing and providing job standards for over 2500 occopations and professionsin industerial, agricultural and service segments of the econimy , in addition totraditional arts and handicrafts.

B- Training:

                            Based on the standards provided by R&D, T.V.T.O has been actively providing technical and vocational training to meet a portion of the required and needed labour force by varios sector of the economy for semi professional and expert technicians.

C- Examination and evaluation :

                            Evaluation of the training process and the ultimate examination of the trainees can highlight the strength and weaknesses inherent in the training programe ,which in turn are fed to the R&D department for future adjustment and improvment .

Organizational Dimension of  T.V.T.O :

                              T.V.T.O is administered and managed by His Excellency , the Deputy minister of Laboure and Social Affairs, who is assisted in the Head Quarter by three departmental deputies in charge of Technical and Training , Administrative and Lgistics, Rese arch and Development, in addition to various advisers,13 executive officers and 29 regional Training direcyors located throughout the country.