Adarsh Sarvaria
Director of Training(WO)
Directorate General of Emploment & Training
Ministry of labour
Government of India
Tel 91 11 3715008
Fax 91 11 3711007
Directorate General of Emploment
& Training
Ministry of labour
Government of India
The Govt.
of India Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGET) under
Ministry of Labour is responsible for Development of Vocational Training
Programmes at the national level. The responsibilities of the Directorate
in this regard are as follows:
A number of Training Schemes are being operated under the Directorate
General of Employment and Training to ensure a regular supply of
skilled man power at different levels.
These schemes are :
Craftsman Training Scheme
Apprenticeship Training Scheme
Craft Instructors Training Scheme
Training of Skilled Workers and Supervisors
Training of Women
Staff Training and Research
Development of Instructional Materials
Hi-Tech Training Scheme
The Craftsman Training Scheme is mainly implemented by the respective
state government and Union Territories through a network of Industrial
Training Institutes/Centres.
The Apprenticeship Training Scheme and the training of skilled workers
under the Advanced Vocational Training Scheme are implemented
jointly by Union Territories/State Governments and the Central
For implementing the above mentioned programmes, the Central
Government has set up specialised institutions which are directly under
the control of DGE&T.
The Central Government is also responsible for laying down the policies,
training standards, trade testing and certification. For this purpose,
Central Government is assisted by two Advisory bodies at the National
level viz.,
The National Council for Vocational Training [NCVT]
The Central Apprenticeship Council [CAC]
The Central Apprenticeship Council is a statutory body set up under the
Apprenticeship Act, 1961, and deals with the implementation of the
Apprenticeship Training Programme. The Union Minister for Labour
is the Chairman of both these Councils.
1.Craftsmen Training
A network of 4100 Industrial Training Institutes/Centres spread all
over the country with a total seating capacity of about .65
million craftsmen have been trained in various Engineering
and Non-Engineering trades. This activity is continuing.
Besides,The four Model Industrial Training Institutes [MITIs] at
Haldwani. U.P.], Calicut [Kerala], Jodhpur [Rajasthan] and
Choudwar [Orissa] set up by the Government of India to organise
Craftsmen Training Programme on modular basis .
.Apprenticeship Training Programme
The implementation of the Apprenticeship Training Scheme is
covered under the Apprentices Act, 1961 as amended from time
to time. The Objectives of the scheme broadly are:-
To regulate the programme of apprenticec in the industry so as to
conform to the prescribed syllabi,period of training etc as laid down
by the Central Apprenticeship Council; and
To utilize fully the facilities available in industry for imparting
practical training with a view to meeting the requirements of skilled
manpower for industry.
139 trades in 254 specified industries have been designated so
far.Total of .24 million seats have been located for trade
apprentices.This includes training seats for apprentices
belonging to SC,ST, Minority Communities, Physically
Handicapped and Women.
The State Apprenticeship Advisors under the State
Governments/Union Territories and the six Regional Directorate
of Apprenticeship training at Mumbai, Calcutta, Kanpur, Madras,
Hyderabad and Faridabad are implementing the provisions of the
Apprentices Act relating to the training of trade apprentices in the
State /Central Sector.
The four Boards of Apprenticeship Training under the Department
of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development
implement the provision of the above Act relating to training of
graduate, technician and technician [vocational] apprentices
concerning both Central/State Sectors.
Craft Instructor Training
The Advanced Training Institutes [ATIs] at Calcutta, Bombay,
Ludhiana, Hyderabad and Kanpur and the Central Training
Institute for Instructors, Madras continue to conduct regular
instructor training courses. The modular training courses are also
being conducted at ATI, Hyderabad and CTI, Madras.
Advanced Vocational Training Scheme(AVTS)
(Training of highly skilled craftsmen)
The Advanced Training Institute [ATI] at Madras which functions
as the lead Institute under the Advanced Vocational Training
Scheme [AVTS] and other five ATIs at Calcutta, Ludhiana,
Hyderabad, Bombay and Kanpur are conducting advanced
courses for technicians/workers from industry to meet the specific
training requirements of establishments both in public and private
The two Advanced Training Institutes for Electronics and Process
Instrumentation [ATI-EPIs] set up at Hyderabad and Dehrhadun
offer long and short term courses in the fields of Electronics and
Process Instrumentation.
Foremen Training Programme
The Foremen Training Institutes at Bangalore and Jamshedpur
continue to meet the training requirements of industry at lower and
middle level management through their specially designed
courses for supervisors/foremen in various technical and
managerial areas.
Training Programme for Women
To provide wide range of equitable opportunities for skill
training to women so as to bring them into the main stream of the nation’s
economic activities, a need was felt to enhance the participation of women
in the Nation’s economy.
The Women’s Cell at DGE&T, contributes in planning,
designing, executing and pursuing long-term policies for vocational training
of women in areas having high employability; thereby increasing women’s
participation in economic & social development of the country.
Training facilities, exclusively for women, have been sanctioned/set up at
INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN, NOIDA; the apex Institute (1977)
The NVTI/RVTIs organise NCVT approved skill
training programmes at basic and advance levels in selected
trades having high employability. Some of the Institutes
offer post-advanced training in Instructional
(P.O.T.) and Entrepreneurial (Business Services) skills . Besides
the regular training courses, some Institutes organise short-term
courses depending on the available infrastructure and also the needs
of the local industries in the vicinity.
Some Institutes also organise refresher courses for the Instructors
of Industrial Training Institutes.
Electronics, Instrument Mechanic, Data Preparation
& Computer Software, Architectural Draughtsmanship/ Assistantship
Desk Top Publishing, Dress Making, Secretarial
Practices, Fruit & Vegetable Preservation, Hair & Skin care,
Embroidery & Needle Craft, Instructor (General) Course
: Principal of Teaching, Business Services
Each of the Institute is being provided with `Placement Cell’, which will primarily focus its activities at placement services of the passed out trainees, and strengthen to the industry - institute linkages.
Staff Training/Research, Development of Teaching Materials
The Central Staff Training and Research Institute[CSTARI] at
Calcutta is engaged in research, development and staff training.
The Central Instructional Media Institute [CIMI] has been
established in 1986 at Madras in collaboration with the German
Government for development of instructional media packages and
question banks for different trades.
The main objective of this project
is to modernise and update the National
Vocational Training System in
the country for ensuring a steady flow of
adequately trained manpower
for the changing and emerging skill needs of
the industry. This will be achieved
by bringing about all round qualitative
and quantitative improvements
in various national training system to cope
with highly advanced technologies
[e.g., electronics, computers,
communications, NC/CNC Machine
tools, Robotics,
Computer Integrated Manufacture,
FMS, Advanced welding technology,
etc. being introduced in India at an accelerating pace.
This would expand
and diversify programmes
in the advanced skill and Hi-Tech areas and
increase the area of training
in non-traditional sectors for the development
of skills of men and women
DGE&T have taken up a comprehensive
programme for improving the
quality of training in the ITIs
and expanding the training for women
candidates and industrial workers
with financial assistance from the World
Bank for a Vocational Training
Project. There are also schemes to increase
the number of women ITIs and
to start non-traditional trades which are
more relevant for their employment
potential in existing and new ITIs.
Considerable progress has been
made in the implementation of the above
Apart from implementing the schemes
successfully in several states and in
its own DGET Institutions,
Govt. of India under DGE&T is also
establishing a new Apex Hi-Tech
Institute at Bangalore for
imparting Training under Hitech
areas .
Trainers Training
The trainers' training programmes in CTIs and CSTARI are
being evaluated periodically to evolve a more comprehensive and integrated
programme catering to the demands on quality and quantity of technical
and vocational teachers needed in the economic liberalisation scenario.