H.A.Keshava Murthy
Jt.Director of Training
Apex Hi-Tech Institute,DGE&T,Ministry of Labour,FTI Campus,Bangalore-560022
E-mail Adress: keshav<apexhti@vsnl.com>
and hakmurthy@hotmail.com
Tel.No. 91-80-3378335/3379178
91-80-3489266/3481060 (R) Fax: 91-80-3374248
Ministry of Labour, Government of India,NEW DELHI.
The DGE&T under the Ministry of Labour,
Government of India, is the Apex organisation of the Employment Service
and the Vocational Training Service in India.
The Govt. of India and DGET under Ministry of Labour
have responded to the situation by laying special emphasis on the reformulation
of the employment policy with short and long term perspectives.
DGET have established schemes and programmes to translate
this policy into action.
Industrial Training Institutes and a number of other
specialised institutions are operated both at the Centre and in the States/Union
Territories to impart Vocational Training.
Development of Vocational Training Programmes at the
national level rests with the Directorate General of Employment & Training.
The responsibilities of the Directorate in this regard are as follows:
Evolving common policies
Laying down common standards and procedures
Training of personnel
Evaluation of the programmes
The day-to-day administration of the Industrial Training
Institutes and of the Employment Exchanges, is the responsibility ofDirectorate
of Employment & Training of the respective State Governments / Union
The Directorate General of Employment &Training
[DGE&T] is an attached office of the Ministry of Labour, Government
of India. It is headed by the Directorate-General of Employment and Training
and ex-officio Joint Secretary of the Government of India, under the Secretary,
Ministry of Labour. The DGE&T consists of the Directorate of Employment,
Directorate of Training, and Secretariat Wing.
A number of Training Schemes are being operated
under the Directorate General of Employment and Training to ensure a regular
supply of skilled man power at different levels.
These schemes are :
Craftsman Training Scheme
Apprenticeship Training Scheme
Craft Instructors Training Scheme
Training of Skilled Workers and Supervisors
Training of Women
Staff Training and Research
Development of Instructional Materials
Hi-Tech Training Scheme
The Craftsman Training Scheme is mainly implemented
by the respective state government and UTs through a network of Industrial
Training Institutes/Centres.
The Apprenticeship Training Scheme and the training
of skilled workers under the Advanced Vocational Training Scheme are implemented
jointly by Union Territories/State Governments and the Central Government.
For implementing the above mentioned programmes,
the Central Government has set up specialised institutions which are directly
under the control of DGE&T.
The Central Government is also responsible for laying
down the policies, training standards, trade testing and certification.
For this purpose, the Central Government is assisted by two Advisory bodies
at the National level viz.,
The National Council for Vocational Training [NCVT]
The Central Apprenticeship Council [CAC]
The Central Apprenticeship Council is a statutory
body set up under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961, and deals with the implementation
of the Apprenticeship Training Programme. The Union Minister for Labour
is the Chairman of both these Councils.
Craftsman Training
A network of 4100 Industrial Training Institutes/Centres
spread all over the country with a total seating capacity of about 0.6.million
craftsmen [as on 31.07.98] have been trained in the various Engineering
and Non-Engineering trades. This activity is continuing.
The four Model Industrial Training Institutes [MITIs]
at Haldwani [U.P.], Calicut [Kerala], Jodhpur [Rajasthan] and Choudwar
[Orissa] set up by the Government of India to organise Craftsmen Training
Programme on modular basis are continuing the activities of imparting training.
Apprenticeship Training Programme
The implementation of the Apprenticeship Training
Scheme under the Apprentices Act, 1961 as amended from time to time. Against
224626 seats located for trade apprentices under the Act, 16159 apprentices
have undergone training by the end of September, 1998. Against 48603 seats
located for Graduate and Technician Apprentices, 357105 have undergone
training by the end of September 1998 in 6151 establishments. This includes
apprentices belonging to SC,ST, Minority Communities, Physically Handicapped
and Women.
The State Apprenticeship Advisors under the State
Governments/Union Territories and the six Regional Directorate of Apprenticeship
training at Mumbai, Calcutta, Kanpur, Madras, Hyderabad and Faridabad are
implementing the provisions of the Apprentices Act relating to the training
of trade apprentices in the State /Central Sector.
The four Boards of Apprenticeship Training under
the Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development implement
the provision of the above Act relating to training of graduate, technician
and technician [vocational] apprentices concerning both Central/State Sectors.
Craft Instructor Training
The Advanced Training Institutes [ATIs] at Calcutta,
Bombay, Ludhiana, Hyderabad and Kanpur and the Central Training Institute
for Instructors, Madras continue to conduct regular instructor training
courses. The modular training courses are also being conducted at ATI,
Hyderabad and CTI, Madras.
Vocational Training Scheme(AVTS)
(Training of highly skilled craftsmen)
The Advanced Training Institute [ATI] at Madras
which functions as the lead Institute under the Advanced Vocational Training
Scheme [AVTS] and other five ATIs at Calcutta, Ludhiana, Hyderabad, Bombay
and Kanpur are conducting advanced courses for technicians/workers from
industry to meet the specific training requirements of establishments both
in public and private sectors.
The two Advanced Training Institutes for Electronics
and Process Instrumentation [ATI-EPIs] set up at Hyderabad and Dehrhadun
offer long and short term courses in the fields of Electronics and Process
Foremen Training Programme
The Foremen Training Institutes at Bangalore and
Jamshedpur continue to meet the training requirements of industry at lower
and middle level management through their specially designed courses for
supervisors/foremen in various technical and managerial areas.
Foremen Training Institute Bangalore is conducting
many tailor-made courses in the areas of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial
Engineering and Supervisory Development as per the needs of Public sector/Private
sector industries and other government organisations.
Training Programme for Women
Under this programme,
National Vocational Training Institute for Women at
Noida [U.P.]
Regional Vocational Training Institutes [RVTIs] for
Women at
Bangalore, Bombay, Calcutta, Trivandrum, Hissar, Tura,
Indore Allahabad , Vadodara and Jaipurare imparting training at basic and
advanced levels. There is a steady growing demand for the training programmes
being conducted at RVTI Bombay and Bangalore.Under a Centrally Sponsored
scheme, State Governments are being assisted to set up ITIs exclusively
for Women/Women's Wings in general Industrial Training Institutes and also
strengthening the existing ITIs by introducing new trades.
Staff Training/Research, Development
of Teaching Materials
The Central Staff Training and Research Institute[CSTARI]
at Calcutta is engaged in research, development and staff training.
The Central Instructional Media Institute [CIMI]
has been established in 1986 at Madras in collaboration with the German
Government for development of instructional media packages and question
banks for different trades.
The main objective of this project is to modernise and
update the National Vocational Training System in the country for ensuring
a steady flow of adequately trained manpower for the changing and emerging
skill needs of the industry. This will be achieved by bringing about all
round qualitative and quantitative improvements in various national training
system to cope with highly advanced technologies [e.g., electronics, computers,
communications, NC/CNC Machine tools, Robotics, Computer Integrated Manufacture,
FMS, Advanced welding technology, etc. ] being introduced in India at an
accelerating pace. This would expand and diversify programmes in the advanced
skill and Hi-Tech areas and increase the area of training in non-traditional
sectors for the development of skills of men and women
DGE&T have taken up a comprehensive programme for
improving the quality of training in the ITIs and expanding the training
for women candidates and industrial workers with financial assistance from
the World Bank for a Vocational Training Project. There are also schemes
to increase the number of women ITIs and to start non-traditional trades
which are more relevant for their employment potential in existing and
new ITIs. Considerable progress has been made in the implementation of
the above schemes.
Apart from implementing the schemes successfully in
several states and in its own DGET Institutions, Govt. of India under DGE&T
is also establishing a new Apex Hi-Tech Institute at Bangalore for imparting
Training under Hitech areas with the assistance of Germany. The full complement
of the Institute with infrastructure facilities is expected to be ready
in another 2 years duration.
Teacher Training
The teacher training programmes in CTIs and CSTARI
are being evaluated periodically to evolve a more comprehensive and integrated
programme catering to the demands on quality and quantity of technical
and vocational teachers needed in the economic liberalisation scenario.
Switching over to competency-based vocational training
requires a tremendous effort in training a large number of instructors
in competency-based vocational training. The teacher training programme
should be competency-based and should take the cognisance of the
modern educational communication and use it for introducing open and distance
learning. This is necessary if we have to provide vocational training opportunities
to the large number of students coming out of secondary and higher secondary
education throughout the country. DGE&T is making efforts in this direction
to reach the target groups through distance learning by the facilities
already available in the country for such open and distance learning.